You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 10, 2007.

Those of you who’ve been following me for a while already know that I’m a Def Leppard freak. Don’t judge me!! A good yogi doesn’t judge!! Just respect it. 😉

Well anyways, today’s been busy with both. Got up at 7.00 to go assist my first yoga class. For the first class, I just stood (or kneeled) at the back of the class and took a LOT of notes — mostly on the structure of the class. This is gonna be a very interesting experience. And in April, I’ll teach a karma yoga class on a Sunday. Gotta start preparing for that already!

So after the class, I came back home, went grocery shopping, and cooked two batches of chili (vegetarian for me, with lots of meat for Dutchboy) as well as maple muffins. Yummy!

And the Def Leppard thing — believe it or not, I talk about them a lot (difficult not to when your boyfriend works for the band!) but I don’t listen to them that much. But in the car this morning, I felt like listening to them, and LOUD! It was fun!

Then tonight, I take a few minutes break and watch a bit of TV. I come across the video for Armageddon It. Cool! Then again, later, I come back to the TV to finish watching Pedro Almodovar’s “Volver”. When the movie’s over, I flip through the channels: VH1’s Classic Albums is on, and it’s the Hysteria episode. And now, for the past hour, they’ve been playing Def Leppard videos non-stop! So I’m glued to the TV and I can’t change the channel. I DO have all of these videos on DVD, of course, and I never watch them, but not watching when Def Leppard is on TV would be a waste! Almost a sin! Really!

March 2007